isn't that what it is all about...great relationships. In all areas of our life healthy relationships make everything so much better. We don't spend lots of time with people we don't enjoy in our personal lives so why is it that we will put up with an unreasonable demanding client or a supplier that does not appreciate us? It's O.K. to expect our work lives to be about building relationships with people that we enjoy. We spend a lot of hours every day / week / month working so why would we settle for anything less in our business relationships. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being challenged, as a matter of fact if I'm not challenged I get bored pretty quick, however I look for these challenges in other areas. I don't need to be challenged by difficult, unreasonable clients or suppliers. It's too exhausting. Focus on the clients that don't scream the loudest, the ones who don't subscribe to "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Build your business on great relationships and enjoy the process!
I raise a glass to toast this!